How to Redeem Your Groupon Voucher
Estimate the cost of your order with the ScanDigital Pricing Calculator
Groupon FAQs
Can I go over my Groupon value?
Absolutely, we will process anything you send us. If you go over the value of your Groupon voucher, we simply bill your credit card. We're happy to help you with all of your digitizing needs!
How does payment work?
It's easy! We don't require you to sit down and count your materials when placing the order but a full list of our Pricing can be found here: http://www.scandigital.com/photography_pricing.php. You can pre-count your materials before sending them in to calculate cost and we will scan or transfer all of your materials and charge you per item upon the completion of the order. The Groupon will work as a voucher towards our services and be deducted from the order total, the remainder will be charged to your credit card or if you are under the Groupon amount you will retain a balance until the expiration date. We welcome you to send as much as you would like with your Groupon voucher - you certainly are NOT limited to your Groupon's value. Please feel free to call us at 888-333-2808 or email us at info@scandigital.com should you have any questions about this.
How long does the process take?
When we receive your materials, our system sends you an email notifying you of the anticipated completion date. We are currently experiencing turnaround times of 2-3 weeks, depending on the type of materials you send.
How do I enter my groupon # on the order form?
Your groupon # may be entered in the Coupon/Gift Card field of the order form. Be sure to omit the # symbol when entering your coupon code. Only digits and dashes should be entered in this field.
Can I use more than one groupon on my order?
If you are placing a standard pricing order, you may apply up to three $100 Groupons toward your order total. To do this, simply enter your first Groupon code, click the apply button, and continue with any additional codes. Only one $100 Groupon is accepted for orders placed with the My Life, Digital pricing. You are unable to apply a $300 Groupon to an order placed with the My Life, Digital pricing.
Can I use my Groupon for anything on the ScanDigital site?
No, Groupon vouchers are only valid for our digital conversion services and the cost of shipping. Groupon vouchers cannot be redeemed for hard drive, photo frames or other products purchased through ScanDigital.
What are the limitations of my $300 Groupon?
We limit the purchase of $300 Groupons to one per person. You may apply your one $300 Groupon to any order placed with standard pricing. If you wish to place a My Life, Digital order, you will not be able to apply your $300 Groupon credit.